Commitment to lifetime dog ownership

Angel Dog Inc announces the 2020 early year launch of new programs designed specifically to address the top reasons dogs are removed from their homes and surrendered.  We’ll be addressing the top obstacles on the front end, so there is greater retention for the...

The real cost of E-Collars & your dog

Published on: December 14, 2019 at 4:41 PM 99% of people who use e-collars on their dog, please throw the equipment in the trash. When you understand the true cost to your dog, and to your relationship, you’ll want to make change immediately for more appropriate...

Angel Dog Partnering With DogWise Digital

2019 begins with the exciting announcement Angel Dog Incorporated is collaborating with DogWise to build worldwide digital access of in-demand training with our Sound Socialization Training. This partnership makes it much easier and faster for breeders, dog owners,...

How can I tell if my dog likes his food?

Does he really like his food? We took a video of a recent dog taste tester. Here’s his reaction to a new meal. We all agreed it is very easy to tell if a dog loved his food. Do you get this reaction from your dog after his meal? If not, let’s talk....