WEBB Bodywork Online Course & Livestream Training
Presale Event - May 2023 Launch
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Find Out What Your Pet Can’t Tell You
That They Need You to Know!
How do you feel when your animals are sick and need to go to the vet?
Do you want to be able to do something to help your animals feel better and help them through it?
When your animals need surgery or to take prescription medications, do you want to help them heal more quickly and naturally?
Do you want to do everything you can to keep your animals so healthy that they don’t need to visit the vet?
If you love and care for your animals, you want natural, safe methods to support their health and vitality throughout their life.
Your animals want you to understand what they need, how they feel, and what they can’t say.
WEBB Energywork gives you all of this and more!

No matter who you are (never heard of energy healing? or an experienced energy healer?), you will become much more attuned as you unfold the WEBB Energywork training into your life.
You will be more connected. More intuitive. More Empathic. More powerful. Better understand your animals – their feelings, needs, and desires.
You will become more Present. More aware. Better able to ease pain, tension, trauma, anxiety, illness, and distress from your animals’ lives – and everyone around you.
You will become better able to maintain clear, healthy boundaries. You will feel more love, joy, and a deeper divine connection daily. You will enjoy a greater sense of wonder, magic, and delight.
You will be empowered to understand and help all kinds of animals in a new and excellent way. WEBB Energywork is for all animals, great and small.
I could tell when you completed an Energywork Session. Dixie would search me out, lay at my feet, and sleep deeply. She always had an improvement in her body and demeanor. What you do is a miracle.
Did You Know That Energy Healing
Has Proven Benefits?

There is a growing body of evidence and high-grade research shows that energy healing has more benefits than a placebo treatment!
Research studies have shown that energy healing helps reduce pain, promotes relaxation, cardiac disease, and chronic illness enhances wound healing, aids recovery from surgery, and helps manage high blood pressure.
Not to mention causing the odd miracle cure (doctors call this a ‘spontaneous remission’ because they have no other way to explain it).
If You Say “Yes” To Any Of The Following,
You Will Love This Training!
· I love my animals. I want to understand their needs better and to know when they need support, love, and healing
· I want to support my animal’s health with safe, holistic therapies
· I want to feel like I can support my animals when they must go to the vet or have surgery
· I want to calm my animals and ease their suffering
· I want to sense and heal energy blockages, restrictions, and distortions in my animals before they result in physical illness
· I know all animals are spiritual beings, and I want to connect with and understand them on this level
· I want to be able to bless my animals with healing energy and see that I am making a positive difference in their life
· I want to work with healing animals as part of my job
Introducing Your teacher: O’Neal Scott
My passion is helping animals have the best life. I’ve been involved with animals my whole life and learned much we can do to provide a wonderful life for our animal family and friends.
I connected with Dr. Edward Bassingthwaighte and ultimately spent years training Whole Energy Body Work. First I achieved Energywork and then Bodywork Professional Practitioner. I was so taken with the results of relieving pain, tension, trauma, and ill health in animals with bodywork and energywork healing, so I continued studies to become a licensed trainer in WEBB Bodywork and Energywork. My goal is to share these teachings with many to make a significant impact in improving the lives of animals throughout the world.
For the last 23 years, Dr. Edward has been exploring how to heal animals with intentional touch, bodywork, and energy healing. Energy healing helped me recover from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome when western medicine had run out of answers.
Energy healing helps in ways that regular medical and traditional western veterinary treatment simply cannot. Dr. Edward got much better results assisting animals in healing using Energy healing in his 20+ years of veterinary practice than as a conventional vet.
WEBB Energywork method is the essence of helping animals with all sorts of issues – pain, tension, anxiety, trauma, depression, and various illnesses.
Energy healing is of great benefit to your animals. I’ve seen the positive shifts in animals again and again. I believe in some cases; it can be the difference between life and death. I invite you to join the WEBB family and join us in achieving profound healing effects in many animals lives.

How Is WEBB Energywork Different?

· WEBB Energywork is created by a qualified and highly experienced veterinarian (the only vet-created animal energy healing modality available on the planet!). Dr. Edward is The Healing Vet, and with good reason. The WEBB method is a distillation of more than 20 years of Dr. Edward’s experience using energy healing in his veterinary work.
· WEBB Energywork has been primarily created to work with animals. This is unlike other energy healing modalities widely used to help animals, such as Reiki, Healing Touch, etc., which were created to help humans, and then adapted for animals.
· WEBB Energywork teaches you how to connect your animals with the natural energy flows that are part of your essential nature. You’ll learn how to connect with yourself and the natural energy or Chi that vitalizes your being from the earth and the universe. You’ll bless your animals with healing energy in a way that leaves you stronger and healthier yourself.
· WEBB Energywork teaches you how to assess and relieve blockages, restrictions, and distortions in your animal’s energetic anatomy. Dr. Edward helps you understand and work with your animal’s chakra system, meridians, and the energy fields surrounding the body. Yes, just like humans, animals have these energy systems too, which must be supported for your animal to have the best health.
· WEBB Energywork helps you understand how humans can affect their animals adversely on an energetic level. Humans often carry a lot of baggage and trauma that can cause all sorts of problems for their animals. Unfortunately, most people are not even aware of this. WEBB Energywork teaches you how to work with animals and assess and work with the energy dynamics between animals and their humans (or other animals). Then you can bring healing to the whole family unit.
Benefits Of WEBB Energywork For
Your Animals (And For You!)

· Creates greater connection and understanding, better communication, and a deepening of trust and love between you and your animals
· Supports relaxation.
· Can calm anxiety and give relief from the aftereffects of trauma
· Increases vitality and supports the well-being
· Can relieve pain
· Can accelerate healing from illness and recovery from surgery
· Can help with a chronic illness that is unresponsive to conventional treatment in some cases
· Can be used alongside all conventional treatments
· Animals can be treated from a distance (so you can help animals in need anywhere in the world)
· Can be used to start or grow a pet wellness business (imagine playing with animals for your work- how much fun would that be?)
“O’Neal is a great teacher. She is knowledgeable and teaches logically, while her joyful passion engages everyone. The class stayed on schedule, which I appreciated. She made sure we understood the class material and positively and patiently guided us in practicing with our pets. We all enjoyed the training very much, and everyone attended all sessions and completed them, which is a big deal. I highly recommend this training.”
How Does This Online Training Work?
The WEBB Energywork online Practitioner training is suitable for anyone with any experience. You can work with your animals (and maybe give free sessions to friends’ animals), or you can get qualified and work on other people’s animals as a practitioner (and charge fees).
You’ll be able to work with all kinds of animals with WEBB Energywork – from mice to elephants or whales (though with wild/large animals, of course, you wouldn’t be able to work hands-on).
Limited Time Special Pricing
WEBB Energywork for Animals Home Practitioner
- Lifetime access to all the training materials + all future upgrades for free. Many trainings only allow you access for a given time. I want you always to have these resources. You’ll be able to watch the videos as often as you want to. And whenever I do new teaching videos or other training materials, you’ll also get free access to them. Value = $2000
- Teaching videos. The two training days are all broken down into short, easily digestible lessons that you can watch and work through in your own time, at your own pace. Value = $620
- Comprehensive manual. All the information you need to help you understand the WEBB method and put it into practice. Laid out in a nice easy-to-read format. Value = $120
- Membership in the WEBB private Facebook group. Join our dynamic, friendly global community. Meet lovely people, ask questions, and share awesome things that help animals! Value = $330
- A 45-minute WEBB teaching and practice session every month (10 each year). These are great support to help build a regular practice. They are focused on two simple and important skills from the WEBB Method. Value $2,178/year
- Two free attendances to a Livestream of the training with access to the recordings for at least a year. Every three months, we teach the whole intensive live online on zoom. We have breakout rooms to practice all the hands-on skills. You can ask all the questions you need to. Some of these Livestreams are taught by Dr. Edward; our certified WEBB Teachers teach some. They are all AWESOME fun! WEBB is always changing and growing, and Livestreams are always a great upgrade for you. Value = $994
- Audio recordings of the meditations (in development). You can take these audios with you and listen to them to strengthen your ability to connect with, hold and direct healing energy. Value = $220
- Bonus videos of a Livestream of the training. More Livestream videos will be added over time Value = $310
What we could be charging: $2997
Special Price $997 or 12 monthly payments of $84
WEBB Energywork for Animals
Professional Practitioner
- Everything in the Home Practitioner package.
- One 60-minute Q&A/mentoring webinar each month (10 each year). During these sessions, you will have the opportunity to ask questions, work on your animals with my direct feedback, and develop your WEBB skills further. You may also ask questions about marketing and business building. One webinar timing each month will be UK/Europe friendly, and one timing will be USA/Canada friendly. Value = $1,500/year
- The Qualification process and global certification to become a WEBB Energywork for Animals practitioner. This involves submitting case studies (three treatments on three different animals) and then demonstrating your proficiency in an hour-long assessment session. (This is not an exam but a supportive and friendly process.) Value = $1,997
- One 30-minute one-on-one WEBB video teaching session. This is an opportunity for you to have some laser-focused support to help you overcome challenges or refine your skills. Value $150
TOTAL VALUE = $11309
What we could be charging: $4995
Special Price $2497 or 12 monthly payments of $209

“I’m glad to be able to participate from my home. I’m learning and using new techniques and helping animals by assessing, releasing pain, integrating, and balancing at a distance. The Energywork techniques help the animals, and their people are amazed by the results. I am very pleased to have found WEBB Energywork. I would recommend this course to all professional practitioners and pet owners.”

Energywork Curriculum
Module 1 – Healing: a sacred mystery and a blessing
Module 2 – The science of healing: vibration, resonance, and light
Module 3 – Connecting with the Field
Module 4 – Subtle anatomy 101
Module 5 – Working with the energy fields
Module 6 – A rainbow of healing
Module 7 – Integration + Assimilation Part I
Module 8 – Calling in the Divine
Module 9 – Vibrational medicine
Module 10 – The Space Between
Module 11 – Staying real, being grounded
Module 12 – Working with energy centers
Module 13 – The human connection
Module 14- Integration + Assimilation Part II
So, in summary, what you get is…
· Lifetime access to the practitioner training online (+ free upgrades for life)
· The opportunity to get certified as a practitioner and start or grow a pet wellness business
· International Institute of Complementary Therapies recognized modality in the EU, USA, Canada, UK, South Africa, Australia + New Zealand
· One free Livestream review of the training
· Comprehensive eBook
· Membership to the private WEBB students’ Facebook group
· More than $300 in bonuses
· Lifetime skills that will transform your animal’s lives for the better
· Significant personal growth and expansion of your personal intuitive, empathic, and healing abilities
Get Enrolled In The WEBB Energywork Online Training, And You Will Be Able To Go Beyond What Any Traditional Vet Could Ever Do To Help Your Animals

Disclaimer: Participation in the WEBB for Pets online training is at your own risk. Your results may vary in comparison to what you see in the training videos (though the more work and practice you do, the better your results will be). The information in our online training is for educational purposes only and is not intended to provide a veterinary diagnosis or substitute for veterinary advice. The Whole Energy Body Balance skills taught in our online training are intended for people who want to have better awareness of when their dogs need help, and to be able to help them with energy healing. However, we make no representations, guarantees or warranties that the information or exercises in our online training is appropriate for your dog or will result in improvement of your dog’s medical conditions or function. The information in our online training is by no means complete or exhaustive and therefore does not apply to all conditions, disorders and health-related issues in your dogs.