There are 18 of them!
There are so many activities you can enjoy with your dog in the fall. Check to ensure the events and locations are pet-friendly and then have a great adventure with your dog!
- Camping- My camping experiences with dogs have been the source of many a funny story to tell for years to come. Don’t miss out on camping in the great outdoors or the great backyard.
- Hiking in the woods- Prancing on crisp leaves in the woods is a delight for all.
- Pumpkin picking- Take your dog along for extra fun and to help sniff out the best pumpkin. Carve your pumpkins outside and your dog can join in the fun there too. Pumpkin is tasty and not hazardous to your dog if he eats a little. (But beware too much can be a laxative.)
- Corn Mazes- Another outdoor event your dog will love to join you on as you weave your way through a mysterious maze.
- Apple picking- An orchard of trees is a great place to bring your dog while you pick apples.
- Canoe with your dog- The heat of the summer has faded into a pleasant time to be on the water gently gliding across the water.
- Dog park play- The cooler weather has dogs kicking up their heels and ready to entertain you.
- Family photo-shoots- It’s a great time to capture the family photograph to share with loved ones during the upcoming holiday season.
- October fests and festivals- Some dogs love the excitement of festivals. Check for pet-friendly and go enjoy the excitement and crowds of people and other dogs at a festival full of fun.
- Hayrides- Relax with your best buddy on a hayride in the country.
- Play dates- Nice cooler weather and fun with your best dog friends!
- Canine costume contests- For the costume fun and fashionable pooches. Or get a cute leash & collar or bandana and join in the festivities and fun.
- Pet parades- taking the costumes one step further and doing a mutt strut!
- Leaf pile jumping- A mainstay of fun each fall.
- Football tailgating fun- Let your dogs join in the fall ritual of food, friends and football. Get them a jersey to let them show off their favorite team!
- Scent tracking- Dogs with great noses will leap at the opportunity to check out the scents of animals on the move getting ready for winter. Use a leash to keep everyone safe.
- Pet-friendly B & B’s- It’s quieter in the fall and fall pricing discounts are offered to entice families to enjoy a relaxing getaway.
- Volunteering- Therapy dogs can brighten the hearts at soup kitchens, homeless shelters, children’s hospitals, nursing homes. Even non-therapy dogs can brighten the hearts of elderly friends and neighbors, children, and visits to others in local parks, coffee shops and family gatherings.
Share ways you bond and play with your best buddy in the fall!

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