by admin | Apr 2, 2020 | dog, food, nutrition, puppy
We are thrilled to be Asheville’s & Atlanta’s Raw Dog Food Nutrition Specialist! When you care to feed your dog based on their little changed internal structure similar to feeding the whole, ancestral wild prey your dog was, and continues to be...
by admin | Aug 4, 2015 | dog
Canine Influenza The canine influenza is still hitting Asheville pretty hard. Local vets are still encouraging dogs to stay close to home and away from areas where dogs congregate. Please note this is important for you as well or take precautions when you arrive home...
by admin | Apr 13, 2015 | dog
Edit Aug132015 Our fabulous local vets have seen only a few cases of canine influenza arrive this week so we are nearing the end of “keep ’em at home”. The okay was given to hiking our lovely Blue Ridge Parkway!!! Continue to use caution and avoid dog parks,...
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